It turns out, in hindsight, that the Metamorphosis jumpsuit was actually not a flop at all, I just perceived it to be

My health just meant that I couldn’t see the writing on the wall which clearly said “keep going, this will work in time.”
So, fast forward about a year and my brain and body are on the mend and with it my desire to put my art out into the world. Each day I’m accruing the resilience to take this on once more

Its taking me ages to accept that in order to move forward and evolve as a creative, YES I do need to be a beginner, take risks and put myself out there.
But also, this practice is inherently taxing so, in order to make this sustainable I also have to look after myself. Like, REALLY look after myself.
Any midlife creatives relate?
Perimenopause is no joke and I'm stunned we're only just starting to talk about it openly now. The impact in has on midlife women can be completely debilitating which is such a shame. Because actually, when I began to get the biological support I needed I uncovered that I am actually more accomplished and confident than I ever before! I've experienced a lot in the past 20 years of adulthood and I damn well deserve to reap the rewards of all the wisdom gained.
I’m really excited for the next chapter. I think it’s going to be fun. It may not be perfect, and it's going to be slower and approached with much more care than the previous one, but I’m intent on doing it anyway.
Clare xox