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How I love my body, more than I ever have

How I love my body, more than I ever have

Anyone who has been following me for years will know that I’ve gained a really significant amount of weight over the past couple of years. 


You may have also noticed me showing up in a more real way than I ever have, without any hiding, or shame around my changing body. 


I feel a very big sense of responsibility to share with you that this is not luck, or “just who I am,” this is a result of continued work and effort to overcome some serious internalised body hatred. 


I’ve been actively working on this for about 6 or 7 years, when I began my single life after being in a relationship for 14 years. At age 34, I had to face all of the internalised criticism that lived within me as a result of the culture I grew up in and the people around me. 


A few years ago there is absolutely no way I would have shown up as a model for my brand, at the size I am now. Oh no, no way. I would have felt way too much shame, it would have stopped me in my tracks. 


But I’m very proud and happy to report that I feel the most loving and embracing of my body (and my whole self) than I ever have. Consistent effort to change the dialogue in my head, to really look at myself and not turn away and to practice perceiving what is in front of me as just a fact, without judgement.


If you’re reading this and thinking “I want that” well I’m here to tell you, you can! I can’t give you my set of tools, but I have a great lead for you for where to start. Have you seen the film “Embrace” by Taryn Brumfitt? This is a fantastic place to start. She has also started an online course with specific tools to help you start to love your body. 


I am in no way affiliated with Taryn. This is not a paid sponsorship. We’ve never made contact. But I’ve been following her for years and believe strongly in her message. Seriously, check her out.



Clare xox

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